Wednesday, April 6, 2011

smile, today was awesome enough for 2 posts!

I won't often be writing 2 posts in one day. I can't sleep right now. So, I figured I would write about some good things from today. Whitney's speech evaluation went really well. I left the appointment feeling excited and relieved. The trouble she has may just be a memory issue that could stem from even the smallest amount of brain damage that could have occurred when she was hospitalized. Between her breathing stopping, flat the 7-day induced coma on a little one year old body could have left some brain damage from all the lack of oxygen that occurred while she was so sick. Her getting that sick and watching her struggle for those days is something I am just now, possibly admitting I need to face and get into with my counselor. But that is not important right now. I see a lot of light at the end of this poor speech issue! For now, it is back to basics. Talking to Whitney like she is around 18 months to 2 years old. Single words. Checking to see if she can come up with the word on her own (not saying it and then wanting it repeated back) and making sure when she does come up with a word on her own, having her say it correctly. This sounds so much easier than it is going to be, I know. I have a lot of habits to change in how I deal with her. Her speech-lady (thats what I will call her) gave me some good feedback on how to deal with certain issues and some things to change that all seem so apparently obvious NOW! Whitney did so good at the appointment. She was so well-behaved and cooperated like the sweetest 3 year old I've ever seen. I was and am very proud of her and how well she did at her "special" appointment.

I also ran into an old friend at the park. And it still amazes me how God works sometimes. This particular friend and I have a lot in common. We haven't talked in years. She is taking her child to a speech pathologist also. I saw her literally on my way home from the appointment. I decided to take the girls to the dinosaur park and there she was. She had some good advice and some more routes we could take to get Whitney more help. She also said something to me that I really needed to hear. I have been holding on to a lot of guilt about Whitney not being able to talk well. I feel awful that I am so distracted with 2 little ones and I spend too much time not feeling well. Most days I get caught up in the day-to-day mess of life and I worry that I neglected this "issue" with Whit's speech. Like if I tried harder to spend more time working on her words that she wouldn't struggle with any words. What my friend said was that there are a ton of kids that have parents that aren't good and don't make even the slightest effort and they can talk like crazy. I had never thought about it like that before. She gave me hope that Whitney will be okay...not that I doubted that but moms always worry!

I am so thankful for all the help I get with Whitney and her talking these days. She is making huge strides and we are just getting started. I am so lucky to have the support I have. I am forever and eternally grateful for my friends and family being so supportive. and especially to the Judds. Kippie and Pear-way :) We will get those names right soon enough...eventhough the way she says it now is too cute ;)

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